Weeds Management
Weeds within the Goulburn Mulwaree Government Area have the potential to pose a serious threat to our natural environment and agricultural enterprises.
Land owners or occupiers of land are required under the Biosecurity Act 2015 to carry out their General Biosecurity Duty (GBD) by control of any Priority Weeds (previously called Noxious Weeds) which may be present on their property.
The Goulburn Mulwaree Local Weed Management Plan(PDF, 2MB) builds upon the South East Regional Strategic Weed Management Plane 2023-2027(PDF, 5MB) to identify the weeds with which Goulburn Mulwaree Council maintains an active management and compliance program. It also specifies the extent to which land owners and occupiers within the Council area must manage these identified priority weeds in the absence of State legislated requirements.
Council also has weed management obligations as a Local Control Authority under the Biosecurity Act 2015. This includes the undertaking of inspections of private and public land and high risk pathways such as roads and railway corridors to identify new, emerging and widespread weeds and to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Local Plan and the Biosecurity Act.
Further information on Weed Identification and the requirements of the Biosecurity Act is available by contacting Councils Biosecurity Weeds Department on 02 4823 4409 or by visiting the Department of Primary Industries - Weedwise Website.