Street Trees

Street Trees
Street trees are an integral part of our landscape, and Goulburn Mulwaree Council actively seeks to add hundreds of trees to our streets each year. Planting of trees provides many benefits to residents and the environment including:
- Providing food, shelter and a home for wildlife
- Providing shelter and shade for pedestrians and parked motor vehicles
- Purify the air, reduce stormwater runoff and combat erosion
- Enhancing our shopping and dining areas, including improving retail activity and providing shade in the CBD.
- Converting carbon dioxide into oxygen
Maintaining street trees
Goulburn Mulwaree Council will plant, stake, fertilise, mulch and water new plantings as required.
Whilst periodic watering will continue during the establishment period for trees in a new planting zone, additional maintenance and care by residents will help ensure survival and growth of the trees. Residents can assist with maintaining trees adjacent to their property by:
- Providing occasional water during summer and other dry times. Water slowly, letting the water soak into the ground.
- Keep grass away from the base of newly planted or young trees
- Avoid damaging trees when trimming lawns
- Do not pile grass clippings around, or in contact with the base of a tree.
- Report damaged trees to Council, so maintenance can be carried out. Please call Customer Service on 4823 4444
Request a new street tree or maintenance