Location & Opening Hours
100 Sinclair Street, Goulburn
8am to 4pm, 7 days a week
Closed on all public holidays and from 12pm on 24 December (Christmas Eve)
Goulburn Waste Management Centre is undergoing major upgrades for the construction of a Re-Use Hub (tip shop and workshop) and Recycling Shed.
It is expected there will be changes to the site's operation. Please expect minor delays and follow advice from staff while on site.
Accepted Waste Streams
Goulburn Waste Management Centre accepts the following waste streams:
- Mattresses
- Whitegoods
- Clean steel
- Organic waste (FOGO)
- Commingled household recycling
- Polystyrene
- E-waste
- Car batteries
- Motor oil
- Tyres
- Clean fill
- Landfill waste
- Waste requiring immediate burial (e.g. asbestos, dead animals)
Fees and charges apply. Contact the Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417 for more information.
Application for Goulburn Waste Management Centre Credit Account(PDF, 137KB)
Application for Clean Fill Disposal(PDF, 133KB)
Fees & Charges
Goulburn WMC Fees & Charges 2024-25(PDF, 103KB)
Location & Opening Hours
Wilson Drive, Marulan
8am to 12pm Friday & Monday
8am to 4pm Saturday & Sunday (closed 12pm to 12:30pm)
Closed on all public holidays and from 12pm on 24 December (Christmas Eve)
Accepted Waste Streams
Marulan Waste Management Centre accepts the following waste streams:
- Mattresses
- Whitegoods
- Clean steel
- Organic waste (FOGO)
- Commingled household recycling
- Polystyrene
- Car batteries
- Motor oil
- Tyres
- Clean fill
- Landfill waste
- Dead animals requiring immediate burial
Fees and charges apply. Contact the Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417 for more information.
Fees & Charges
Marulan WMC Fees & Charges 2024-25(PDF, 102KB)
Location & Opening Hours
Lumley Road, Tarago
8am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday & Monday (closed 12pm to 12:30pm)
Closed on all public holidays and from 12pm on 24 December (Christmas Eve)
Accepted Waste Streams
Tarago Waste Management Centre accepts the following waste streams:
- Whitegoods
- Clean steel
- Organic waste (FOGO)
- Commingled household recycling
- Polystyrene
- Car batteries
- Motor oil
- Landfill waste
Fees and charges apply. Contact the Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417 for more information.
Fees & Charges
Tarago WMC Fees & Charges 2024-25(PDF, 100KB)
Don't Bin Batteries
Batteries must never go in household bins.
It only takes one battery to spark a fire. When batteries are compressed and crushed in waste collection trucks and facilities, they can spark fires putting staff lives, collection trucks, facilities, and the environment at risk.
Drop off eligible household batteries for free. There are several B-cycle drop off points conveniently located around Goulburn. B-cycle is a national, Government-backed battery recycling scheme. Find your closest B-cycle drop off point at bcycle.com.au.
For added safety when storing used batteries, you may want to consider the following:
- Tape the ends (terminals) of used batteries to prevent them sparking and catching fire.
- Store used batteries in a fire resistant container in a cool dry place away from heat sources like stoves.
- Keep batteries away from children, especially small batteries that can be swallowed.
- Batteries contain toxic materials and should always be handled safely.
Learn about battery safety at B-cycle. For battery related enquiries please contact B-cycle via email at contact@bcycle.com.au or call 1300 853 820.

Annual Household Chemical CleanOut
The next Household Chemical CleanOut will be held on Sunday 3rd November 2024 in Goulburn and Marulan.
8am - 11am |
Goulburn |
Goulburn Recreation Area (Showground), 47 Braidwood Road, Goulburn |
1pm - 4pm |
Marulan |
Marulan Waste Management Centre, Wilson Drive Marulan |
For information on what can be disposed of at the CleanOut events, visit the EPA website, or contact the Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417.
ChemClear provides Australian agricultural and veterinary chemical users with a collection and disposal pathway for their unwanted chemicals. Find our more or register your eligible chemicals for collection at the ChemClear website.
drumMUSTER provides Australian agricultural and veterinary chemical users with a recycling pathway for empty agvet chemical containers. Tarago Waste Management Centre, Lumley Road, Tarago is a collection point for eligible containers.
Visit the drumMUSTER website for details.
Paintback is a cost-effective solution for households and trade painters to remove unwanted paint and packaging. Paintback is establishing collection points Australia-wide, starting in major population areas and aiming to have more permanent sites over the next three to five years. It is funded through a 15 cents plus GST per litre levy on eligible products*, between 1 litre and 20 litres inclusive. The monies collected go to Paintback Ltd, which is an independent, not-for-profit organisation. Goulburn Mulwaree residents can utilise the Paintback collection point at Mugga Lane Resource Management Centre in the ACT.
Visit the Paintback website for details.
Safe Sharps
Safe Sharps is an interactive and dynamic resource, available by web (www.safesharps.org.au) smart phone, tablet and Apple Watch, that allows users to identify locations where used sharps can be disposed of appropriately. It is linked to Google maps allowing users to easily find the listed locations. The smartphone and tablet applications can be downloaded free of charge from the iTunes Store or GooglePlay.