Ray Harvey Sports Foundation

The Foundation is named after the late Ray Harvey. Ray contributed to many sport and community activities throughout the Goulburn community.

The purpose of the Foundation is to provide support to promising young sports people, helping them financially with coaching fees and providing assistance with costs associated with competition experience outside the Goulburn Mulwaree LGA.

Goulburn Mulwaree Council is the Trustee of the Ray Harvey Sports Foundation that was established to assist promising young sports persons to obtain coaching and competitive experience outside the Goulburn Mulwaree area.

There are two grant application rounds per financial year and further information will be added to this area when applications are invited.

Round 1 of funding for the 2024/25 financial year has now closed.

The objective of the Ray Harvey Sports Foundation is to give financial assistance to promising young sports people, helping them  with the necessary coaching and competitive experience that is required in their chosen sport outside the City of Goulburn.

All enquiries and applications are to be addressed to Kayleen Pagett, Community Facilities Administration Officer, Ph: 4823 4538 or council@goulburn.nsw.gov.au

Ray Harvey Application Form Round 1 2024.pdf(PDF, 422KB)