Mayoral Column 23rd April 2020

Published on 23 April 2020

Mayor Kirk, Angus Taylor - Rocky Hill Museum (4).JPG

Light up the Dawn
I’m encouraging the community to get right being the light up the dawn campaign for ANZAC Day this Saturday. RSL NSW is encouraging community members to stand at the end of your driveway this Saturday morning, light up your phone and amplify the most significant features of the ANZAC commemorations.

There are a number of ways you can join in on broadcasts:

- ABC Radio Broadcast from 5:30am
- Local radio broadcast at 5:55am (2GN Goulburn 93.5 Eagle FM )
- Goulburn Soldiers Club will be live streaming via their Facebook page at 6am.

For more information, visit

Bringing forward Aquatic Centre redevelopment
In light of the response to COVID-19, Goulburn Mulwaree Council is looking at options to bring forward the construction program for the Goulburn Aquatic Centre redevelopment while the centre is closed.

Councillors considered a report on Tuesday night, with FDC Contracting working on a revised construction program to bring forward the demolition works of the indoor pool hall.

Mayor Bob Kirk said it would be remiss of Council to not take advantage of the opportunity presented.

Our original intention was to keep the indoor pool open throughout the 2020 winter, however the Aquatic Centre has now been closed for a month and we expect this to continue for some time due to COVID-19.

If we can bring forward the demolition works while the centre is closed we can obviously minimise the impact on the community, and make some gains on the entire construction program. The demolition works can proceed under the current development consent for the project.

Alongside this, the contractor is currently working on design amendments and preparing a development application modification, which is expected to be finalised by September.   

The second construction certificate would be aligned with the DA modification, and therefore will not be available until design amendments and the DA modification is finalised.

The revised construction program incorporating these changes will be reported to Council in the near future when available. 


River Rejuvenation

This week Council began significant river rejuvenation work at stage two of the Wollondilly River Walkway, between Kenmore Street and the Tully Park Bridge on Chantry Street.

The work has been funded predominantly through the NSW Environmental Trust, who have contributed $81,815, with Goulburn Mulwaree Council also contributing $22,000 through cash contribution and in-kind works.

The project will involve restoring this section of the Wollondilly River, which is currently degraded by willow and blackberry infestation, bringing it back to life.

“Stage two begins with the magnificent elevated walkway between Kenmore Street and Joshua Street, and goes right around Tully Park Golf Course. The clean-up of this section of river will be beneficial for water flow and for the environment.”

Work begins this week, and will progress periodically over the next 18 months on both sides of the river. The project will also include removal of noxious weeds as well as embankment stabilisation and native replanting.


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