Council Meeting Briefs – 7 September 2022

Published on 07 September 2022


Cr Ruddell elected Deputy Mayor

Cr Steven Ruddell has been elected as Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Deputy Mayor, and will serve in the role until September 2023. The Deputy Mayor’s position may exercise any Mayoral function at the request of the Mayor, or if the Mayor is unable to due to illness or absence.
Cr Ruddell was first elected to Council in 2021.

Goulburn Rail Trail Steering Committee

Six community members have been appointed to the Goulburn Rail Trail Steering Committee.
Adrian Beresford-Wylie, Alan Collins, Andrew Collins, Bradley Nichol, Wendy Nichol, and Darren Plumb were appointed following an Expression of Interest process, with all applicants showing a sound knowledge and interest in the Rail Trail concept.

Cr Bob Kirk and Cr Michael Prevedello have been appointed as Council’s representatives to the Steering Committee, which will hold its first meeting on Thursday 22 September 2022. The committee, which will be advisory in nature, will meet at least four times a year.

Policies on Exhibition

Council resolved to place the following policies on public exhibition for 28 days:

  • Enforcement Policy
  • Request for DA Information Matrix Policy
  • Use of Crown Roads for Development Policy
  • Swimming Pool Barrier Policy
  • Outdoor Dining Policy
  • Draft Asset Management Policy
  • Rating Policy
  • Disposal of Surplus Goods Policy
  • Land and Easement Acquisition and Disposal Policy
  • Leasing/Licencing of Council Property Policy
  • Leasing of Council Roads Policy
  • Youth Services Policy
  • Media Policy
  • Draft Social Media Policy
  • Recreational Use of Council’s Dams Policy
  • Waste Management and Disposal Policy

Anzac Day 2023 financial support

Goulburn Mulwaree Council has provided financial support to the Goulburn RSL Sub-Branch to assist with Anzac Day in 2023. The Sub-Branch sought assistance to cover the cost of public address system hire, including the audio technicians. Council resolved to provide the requested $4,950 from its Financial Assistance budget, citing the importance of the Anzac Day service to the Goulburn community. The 2023 Anzac Day commemorations will be held in Belmore Park, Goulburn on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

Goulburn Lilac City Festival in-kind support

Goulburn Mulwaree Council has resolved to provide in-kind support to the Goulburn Lilac City Festival Inc Committee to assist with this year’s Lilac Festival. Council will provide $1,216.78 worth of in-kind support to assist with electricity, stage hire, and to cover a shortfall of funding from the Reconnecting Regional NSW - Community Events Fund.

The 2023 Goulburn Lilac City Festival will run from Friday 30 September through to
Monday 3 October.

Stronger Country Communities Fund applications

Goulburn Mulwaree Council will seek approximately $1.2 million in grants for four projects, under Round 5 of the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund.

Council endorsed applications for new lighting at Carr Confoy netball courts ($350,000), new lighting/drainage of the Marulan soccer fields ($350,000), new amenities and greenspace infrastructure for Riverside Park ($200,000), and new play equipment and park infrastructure for Bladwell Park/other parks ($300,000).

The Stronger Country Communities Fund is designed to boost the wellbeing of communities in regional areas, by providing new or upgraded social and sporting infrastructure that have strong local support. Applications close on 23 September 2022.

Transport Asset Management

Goulburn Mulwaree Council will undertake an updated condition assessment of the road network across the local government area, with findings to be presented to a future Council meeting for consideration as part of the budget process.

Over the past two years, the Goulburn Mulwaree area has received significantly higher levels of rainfall, compared to previous years. This has seen a corresponding increase in the number of service response requests from members of the public.

Council’s transportation assets include 800km of sealed roads, 380km of unsealed roads, 39 bridges, 63 major culverts and 2,600 minor culverts, 150km of footpath, 280km of kerb and guttering, 20km of shared path, and 20km of guardrail.


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