Local Heritage Grants Awarded

Published on 20 September 2023


The Local Heritage Grant Program is a popular part of Council’s support and promotion of our local heritage items in Goulburn Mulwaree. The program is part funded by the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet (Heritage NSW), to a maximum of $5,500 to be matched, at a rate of $2 from Council for each $1 from Heritage NSW. For many years now, Council’s additional financial input has allowed for a greater contribution than the 2 for 1 formula.

Twenty-three applications were submitted for the 2023/2024 round of Heritage Grants. The budget allows for a total of $33,000 to be allocated to the Local Heritage Grant Program. Each grant amount must be matched equally by the applicant as a minimum.

At the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 19 September 2023, fifteen applications were offered heritage funding. The full list of applications and amounts can be found within the minutes on Council’s website. 


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