Council endorse planning proposal for Marulan/Mistful Park

Published on 21 August 2019


Changes to the B2 Local Centre Zoning in Marulan and Mistful Park were endorsed by Council on Tuesday night, with amendments to the Goulburn Mulwaree LEP 2009 to include rezoning of lots, amendments of floor space restrictions and other associated changes. 

Endorsement of the planning proposal will allow developers of the Mistful Park commercial precinct to move forward with plans for a mid-sized supermarket of around 1500m2, associated commercial and retail tenancies, and a petrol station and carwash. ‘Tourist and visitor accommodation, camping ground and Caravan Park’ has also been added as an additional permitted use for Lot 6 within the precinct.

Rezoning and amendments to floor space ratios in Marulan will allow for a greater range of development and uses, with a mix of B2 Local Centre and B6 Enterprise Corridor land now available for development.

Mayor Kirk said the planning proposal endorsed by Council should allow both locations to flourish.

“This is not the first discussion we have had around a supermarket in the Marys Mount area, but with the continuing growth of the area and the indications of our Housing Strategy for future growth in that direction we believe Marys Mount and the City as a whole can cope with a supermarket of 1500m2 and the associated commercial development.

“This will of course take time to be developed, and it will now be up to the market to factor in demand and make the decision on when this occurs.

“In Marulan the changes will allow for more balanced development, with more appropriate zoning north of the rail line of B6 Enterprise Corridor.”

The planning proposal and proposed amendments to the Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009 were previously considered by Council on 19 March 2019, and were placed on public exhibition from Thursday 27th June 2019 to Friday 26th July 2019.